Monitoring of Fruit and Vegetables and Other Agricultural Products
The Federal Office for Food Safety is the authority responsible for monitoring compliance with EU marketing standards (quality standards) for various agricultural products imported or exported into Austria or the European Community. The coordination of technical and technical control measures and the training of import and export control bodies shall be carried out by the Section for Marketing Standards and IUU Fisheries.
Conformity inspection of fresh fruit and vegetables, cultivated mushrooms and nuts in shell
In the EU, the main commercial fruit and vegetables destined for the fresh market must meet the specific EU marketing standards. The Section for Marketing Standards is responsible for carrying out these checks, which are carried out by some 127 import and export control bodies, mostly customs officials.
Conformity inspection of fresh fruit and vegetables for industrial processing
If the same types of fruit and vegetables are not intended for the fresh market but for industrial processing, their import, export and processing is monitored by the Federal Office.
Conformity control of green bananas
Fresh, green and unripe fruit bananas are also subject to import conformity checks before customs clearance and thus before entering the ripening chamber.
Minimum quality requirements for dried grapes
Minimum quality requirements for dried grapes of the sultana, nutmeg and currant varieties are subject to import controls.
Conformity checks on eggs and poultrymeat
Eggs must be imported in different freshness and weight classes and poultry carcases of chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and guinea fowl must also comply with the common standards. Chickens and poultry cuts may not be 'watered' before importation.
hatching eggs and chicks
They are checked at import and export only by means of accompanying documents.
Änderung der Durchführungsverordnung (EU) Nr. 543/2011
Die Delegierte Verordnung (EU) 2019/428 der Kommission vom 12. Juli 2018 zur Änderung der Durchführungsverordnung (EU) Nr. 543/2011 hinsichtlich der Vermarktungsnormen im Sektor Obst und Gemüse wurde veröffentlicht (Amtsblatt Nr. L 75 vom 19. 3.2019).
Mit dieser Änderungsverordnung werden die zehn speziellen Vermarktungsnormen und die allgemeine Vermarktungsnorm an die UNECE-Normen angepasst sowie die in Artikel 7 festgelegte Kennzeichnung von Mischpackungen aktualisiert.
Die oben genannte Verordnung tritt am 26. März 2019 in Kraft.