Import and export control of fruit and vegetables and other agricultural products

The Federal Office for Food Safety (BAES) is the authority responsible for monitoring compliance with EU marketing standards for various agricultural products that are imported into or exported from Austria or the European Community. The controls are usually carried out by import and export control bodies of the Austrian customs office on the basis of a risk analysis, selectively and at an appropriate frequency. Prior to import and export, the products mentioned in the legislation must be declared for conformity control. The import and export controls are only carried out at certain customs offices in accordance with § 3 para. 3 of the Marketing Standards Control Ordinance.

Conformity control of agricultural products

If an inspected batch is found to meet the legal requirements, the inspection body issues a certificate of conformity. If an inspected batch does not comply with the marketing standards, a complaint report is issued. The importer can arrange for a legally compliant preparation, e.g. correction or completion of the labeling or sorting. This rectification can take place at the place of import. After the subsequent inspection, the inspection body issues a certificate of conformity for the suitably prepared batch or parts of this batch. In the case of fruit and vegetables and bananas, the marketing standards inspection may be waived on the basis of a risk analysis. This is decided by the inspection body on site.

General and specific marketing standards

In the EU, the most important types of fruit and vegetables intended for the fresh market must comply with the general or specific EU marketing standards. With a few exceptions, all types of fruit and vegetables are subject to the general marketing standard. The exact requirements are described in Annex I - PART A of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2429. PART B of Annex I lists the eleven specific marketing standards.

Indication of origin for certain fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables and ripe bananas

For products such as dried fruit, nuts, wild mushrooms, ready-to-cook products and ripe bananas, country of origin labeling is mandatory. Dried grapes must also bear a country of origin marking - see Art. 3 and Art. 5 (1) b) of Regulation (EU) No. 2023/2429.

Derogations and exemptions from the application of marketing standards

By way of derogation from Article 76(2) and (3) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, the following products do not have to comply with the marketing standards

  • products clearly bearing the indication 'intended for processing' or 'intended for animal feed' or a synonymous indication
  • products marketed as edible sprouts consisting of germinated seeds of plants classified as fruit and vegetables in accordance with Part IX of Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013
  • Products intended for donation that comply with the general marketing standard, with the exception of labeling requirements, provided that they are clearly marked with the words "food donation" or equivalent.

Conformity checks for eggs and poultry meat

Eggs must meet several criteria when imported, particularly with regard to quality, labeling, classification and packaging. These requirements also apply to poultry carcasses, poultry cuts as well as preparations and products made from poultry meat from chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and guinea fowl in fresh, frozen or deep-frozen condition. The temperature of frozen poultry meat must be stable and kept at a maximum of - 12 °C throughout the product. Eggs and poultry meat are not subject to export controls.

Hatching eggs and chicks

Hatching eggs and chicks are subject to a document check on import and export.

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