Austrian List of Varieties 2025 for agricultural plant and vegetable species

The list of varieties is based on § 65 Seed Act 1997, BGBl. I No. 72/1997 zgd BGBl. I No. 83/2004. The list of varieties is of declarative (informative) importance, the entry of a variety in the list of varieties cannot replace the acceptance of a variety. The only decisive factor in terms of content is the acceptance of the variety.

All authorised varieties of agricultural and vegetable species (seeds) shall be entered in the list of varieties. Similarly, varieties of vegetables which have been accepted under the provisions of Part 4 of the SaatG 1997, in accordance with the Pflanzgutgesetz, BGBl. I No. 73/1997 zgd BGBl. I No. 86/2009, shall be entered in the list of varieties. These species may only be marketed as propagating material and are marked with a special note in the list of varieties.

The list of varieties consists of a public and a non-public part. Information on commercial or industrial secrets shall be entered in the non-public part of the list of varieties.

The public part of the list of varieties, which can be consulted by anyone, is divided into 5 sections:

I. Agricultural species (authorised varieties)II. Vegetables (authorised varieties) III. End of variety authorisation and extension period (agricultural species) IV. End of variety authorisation and extension period (vegetables) V. Adress directory

Within the species or subdivisions of species, varieties are listed in alphabetical order.

With the exception of the millet and buckwheat varieties, all entries were made in the Common Catalogues of varieties of the European Union (Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species, Common Catalogue of Varieties of Vegetables).

Varieties included in the Austrian List of Varieties 2024

As of January 15, 2024, the "Austrian Variety List 2025" contains a total of 1304 approved varieties.

Of these, the following are included:

1. agricultural species:

Maize and millet varieties227
Medium- and large-seeded legumes126
Small-seeded legumes61
Other forage crops7
Oil, fiber and commercial plants118
Beta beet55

2. vegetables:



Sections I and II

The list has 8 columns for sections I and II:

Column 1:

Variety denomination. Synonymous denomination(s) in member, contracting or third countries in brackets, if known.

Varieties that are listed for the first time are indicated by a +.

Variety denominations that are regarded as codes are indicated by a °

Column 2:Notes concerning cytological or morphological criteria, breeding-biological characteristics, ingredients, directions of use or approval requirements.
Column 3:Variety number under which the variety is registered with the Federal Office for Food Safety.
Column 4:Approval date.
Column 5:Applicant for variety approval.
Column 6:Breeder (breeder of origin).
Column 7:Responsible for maintenance breeding. These entries have been reported in the Common Catalogs of Varieties of the European Union.
Column 8:Genetically modified. Publication in accordance with the Seed Genetic Engineering Regulation BGBl. II No. 478/2001 zgd BGBl. II No. 76/2011.
As of January 15, 2025, the Austrian List of Varieties does not contain any genetically modified (transgenic) varieties (N).

Re 5, 6, 7: The numbers refer to the consecutive number of the address list.

Deleted varieties

As of January 15, 2025, the extension period pursuant to § 59 (3) Seed Act 1997 has not yet expired for 171 deleted varieties.

Of these, the following are accounted for:

1. agricultural species:

Maize and millet varieties35
Medium- and large-seeded legumes19
Small-seeded legumes3
Other forage crops0
Oil, fiber and commercial plants23
Beta beet7

2. vegetables:



Sections III and IV

The list has 9 columns for sections III and IV:

Column 1:Variety denomination. Synonymous denomination(s) in member, contracting or third countries in brackets, if known.

Variety denominations which are considered as codes are indicated by a °

Column 2:Notes concerning cytological or morphological criteria, breeding-biological characteristics, ingredients, directions of use or approval requirements.
Column 3:Variety number under which the variety is registered with the Federal Office for Food Safety.
Column 4:Date of termination of variety approval. The termination was effected by the applicant's declaration of renunciation of variety approval or expiry.
Column 5:Applicant for variety approval.
Column 6:Breeder (breeder of origin).
Column 7:Responsible for maintenance breeding.
Column 8:Extension period for the certification or authorization and marketing of seed pursuant to § 59 (3) Seed Act 1997 zgd BGBl. I No. 83/2004.
Column 9:Genetically modified (GM). Publication in accordance with the Seed Genetic Engineering Regulation BGBl. II No. 478/2001 zgd BGBl. II No. 76/2011.
As of January 15, 2025, the Austrian List of Varieties does not contain any genetically modified (transgenic) varieties (N).

Re 5, 6, 7: The numbers refer to the consecutive number of the address list.

Approval of conservation varieties

With a view to improving the possibility of conserving plant genetic resources in agricultural environments (in situ), Directive 2008/62/EC was adopted by the European Commission on 20 June 2008. It provides for derogations for the acceptance of landraces and other varieties adapted to natural local and regional conditions and threatened by genetic erosion and for the marketing of seed and seed potatoes of those varieties.

These conservation varieties may be accepted without official value and register testing. The applicant must provide an adequate botanical description. In the approval procedure, the results of unofficial tests and findings gained from practical experience during cultivation, propagation and use shall be taken into account (§ 56 (5) Seed Act). Furthermore, the names of conservation varieties known before 25 May 2000 may derogate from the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 930/2000. For each conservation variety of a plant species, a maximum quantity (for 0.3%, 0.5% or 100 hectares) and for all conservation varieties of the species concerned a total quantity (maximum 10% of the seed used annually for the plant species concerned) for the marketing of seed or seed potatoes shall be fixed. The seed or seed potatoes shall be placed on the market in a region of origin specified by the Federal Office for Food Safety.

As of 15 January 2025, 44 conservation varieties of agricultural plant species have been registered in Austria. For the species concerned, they are identified by a footnote.

plant species


approval date

region of origin

spring oatsHaunsberger Oat18.12.2024


spring oatsObernberg Black Oat19.12.2017


naked oatsAttergau Naked Oat19.12.2012


naked oatsEbner's Naked Oat21.12.2015Austria
naked oatsNaked Oat Klimt19.12.2012


spring barleyHeines Haisa II22.12.2021Austria
spring barleyTyrolean Imperial18.12.2013Austria
spring barley6 row Pumper19.12.2018Austria
winter ryeEHO-Kurz13.07.2023Austria
winter ryeElect22.12.2022Austria
winter ryeHaunsberger rye18.12.2024Austria
winter ryeKaltenberger18.12.2014Austria

winter rye

Lindorf rye19.12.2012


winter rye

Lungauer Tauern 2



winter rye

Lungauer Tauern 3



winter ryePölstal winter rye18.12.2014Austria
winter ryeUrdroad19.12.2018Austria

winter wheat

Attergau bearded wheat19.12.2012


winter wheatHaunsberger wheat18.12.2024Austria
winter wheatLaufener Landweizen20.12.2016Austria

winter wheat

Rinner Winter Wheat



winter wheat




winter wheatImproved St. Johanner19.12.2017Austria
winter wheatVerival Wheat21.12.2015Austria

summer wheat





ÖR Haleon




ÖR Lazurit




ÖR Premium



maizeGleisdorf noble maize21.12.2015Austria
maizeKnillis Land corn21.12.2015Austria


Vorarlberg Riebel maize




Kornberger Körnersirk



red clover

Attergau clover



red clover

Styrian clover





Carinthian Hadn



sunflowerGreenino 118.12.2019Austria
potatogold bless19.12.2018Austria
potatoLinz Rose19.12.2017Austria
potatoFloury Mühlviertler19.12.2017Austria





Approval of conservation varieties of vegetables and of vegetable varieties bred for cultivation under special conditions

On November 26, 2009, the European Commission issued Directive 2009/145/EC. It contains derogations for the registration of vegetable landraces and other varieties traditionally grown in particular places and regions and threatened by genetic erosion (conservation varieties), as well as vegetable varieties which are of no commercial value in themselves but are bred for cultivation under particular conditions (also known as garden or amateur varieties), and for the marketing of seed of these landraces and other varieties. As with agricultural plant species, this is a simplified registration procedure. Provided that the applicant submits a sufficient description and supplementary information with the application for registration, an official examination is not required. The names of conservation varieties and garden or amateur varieties may deviate from the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 930/2000 if they were known before May 25, 2000.

Seed of conservation varieties can only be marketed in the specified region of origin, but no such vegetable variety is currently registered. In the case of vegetable varieties bred for cultivation under special conditions, there are no territorial restrictions, but the seed must be marketed in small packages.

As of January 15, 2025, 153 vegetable varieties bred for cultivation under special conditions are registered in Austria.

Status: 20.02.2025
Responsible for the content: AGES: DI K. Mechtler

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