Seeds: additions to GMO-free testing

| Seed Seed and planting material, Control, Certification, Authorization

Technical details on alternative screening elements to prevent contamination of seeds with GMOs (genetically modified organisms) have been added to the "GMO-free seed" section.

The quality system of seed certification prevents contamination of the seed, regardless of its nature. In addition, all production steps in seed production are traceable. For certification, the requirements for testing are defined in accordance with the Seed Act and the current state of the art in science and technology. The scope of testing for the quality inspection is based on the current availability of methods published/validated at EU level and the availability of certified reference material.

Alternative screening strategies or elements, provided they cover the required scope of testing, can also be used under certain circumstances after consultation with the BAES. It should be noted that other detection systems may require further or other event-specific procedures. Submitted test reports on the 2024 harvest product that do not correspond to the current state of science and technology and, if applicable, the standardized international methods for seed testing, cannot be evaluated as initial testing due to substantial deficiencies.

Here you will find all the details on recognition and monitoring as well as the testing methodology and alternative screening methods.

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